Geek will only get you so far ...
Have you noticed that some people in infosec simply have more success than others, however they may define success? Get the newly released book and learn valuable skills, ones most people never develop nor even understand.

About Ted Demopoulos
Ted Demopoulos’ professional background includes well over 3 decades of experience in Information Security and Business, including over 30 years as an independent consultant. Ted helped start a successful information security company, was the CTO at a “textbook failure” of a software startup, and has advised several other startups. he is a frequent speaker at conferences and other event, author of the forthcoming Infosec Consulting 101, author of Infosec Rock Star: How to Accelerate Your Career Because Geek Will Only Get You So Far and two other books. Ted conducts leadership and information security Bootcamps for The SANS Institute, and is the principal of Demopoulos Associates, a consulting organization specializing in information security

"Ted, I have known you for nearly 30 years – yes, that long – and I am not sure I have ever shared with you how much of a mentor you have been to me. I would probably not be where I am right not if I had not known you, and I want everyone to know what formidable knowledge, wisdom and FUN you bring around you. "
“Ted, to those about to rock, I salute you … and always enjoy listening and learning from you. I always pickup new tips and tricks.”
Getting Started in Infosec Consulting proves that with proper tools and planning, transitioning into consultancy is possible. I have found the tips and ideas inspiring and motivated me to plan my journey and step into independent work. Ted shares his wealth of experience not only in terms of knowledge in the domain but from the shoes of someone who has ventured himself as an independent consultant and made it! Worth the read, and the application.
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Is Consulting More Risky than having a “Job” ?
Is consulting risky – specifically is it more risky than having a full time job?
The conventional wisdom says “yes” – and is absolutely wrong! Maybe it was “once upon a time but it isn’t now.”
If you have a job and lose it, you are unemployed – it’s binary: “job” or “no job.” And unfortunately people lose their jobs, especially during difficult times.
Consultants typically have multiple clients. If you lose a client, you still have others. Typical consultants have 3-6 clients per year. If one client doesn’t have any work for you, perhaps they “fire” you, go out of business, or are having a difficult time, you still have work from other clients.