International Travel paid by Work: How to Make it Happen!
I love to travel, especially internationally, and greatly prefer to have work pay for it. I've been able to make this happen both as an employee and as a consultant.
If having your job or a client fly you to say Paris or Sydney or similar, and then taking a few days off while you're there sounds like a great thing, here are a few techniques that have worked for me and others!Business travel can and should be combined with please whenever possible!
Last year among other places I got to Copenhagen, London, Krakow, The Azores, The Canary Islands, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bahrain, Qatar, Munich, and more. Don't get me wrong, I worked my butt off, and also enjoyed myself, very often with a few days off!
Don't get me wrong, I worked my butt off, and also enjoyed myself, very often with a few days off!
#BusinessTravel #WorkTravel #Travel
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